Monday, October 16, 2006

Weeks Can Blur Together

Busy day today, again. I worked most of the weekend, and so today didn’t really feel like the start of a new week.

My wrist injury is really hampering my workouts. I tend to do 45 minutes or so of weights and then get out for a brief 3k run. And I generally tend towards heavier weights, with fewer repetitions. That’s a real challenge due to this wrist injury. I may have to seek medical attention.

Started the day with some emails and organizing, and then headed into a meeting with a “future” investor. He operates a very successful clothing store in a small town just outside of Kitchener-Waterloo. I should get his permission to mention the store! He truly understands customer service, just like Mr. Girard.

The rest of the day was spent working away. Many of my outstanding tasks right now involve major decisions. I spend a lot of time consulting trusted friends, crunching numbers, and contemplating various scenarios. Sometimes this work flows easily, like today, and sometimes it’s more challenging.

Also had some Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation work that occupied about an hour today. Feeding into the fall newsletter, and discussions about how I may best serve the Foundation.

I broke for about half an hour for supper around 7:00pm. Then it was right back at it. Shortly thereafter my eldest informed me that he needed some help with some homework. My first impulse was to suggest that he give me a little more warning next time. But I refrained. Fatherly duties. I set everything aside, and helped. It didn’t take long, and it was good bonding time.

Have I shared this quote before?
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” -Goethe

Right now, a little RnR, some reading, and some sleep, “matter most”. Early start tomorrow.

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