Monday, October 23, 2006

Paying the Price for Taking a Day Off

Very busy day today. It started with a workout and will finish up later this evening, as always, with some reading. I’m currently reading The Tipping Point. Interesting book, but I’ve only just begun.

I paid the price today for having taken a day off yesterday, Sunday. I did get a lot of reading done on Sunday, and some organizing, and spent some good quality time with my family. But, I was really behind the 8-ball, so to speak, today.

We met today to consider the buildings we’ve viewed thus far, and whether we are ready to submit offers to lease. We decided to draft them up. Our agent is working on them. Exciting times. We’re most interested in two sites in Cambridge. They have huge potential to capture a lot of Guelph, all of Cambridge, most of Kitchener and Waterloo, and lots of 401 corridor traffic. We're a destination, not an impulse purchase. But still, proximity plays a role. Ideal!

My discussions with investors are also bearing fruit. The changes to the deal are really starting to resonate with potential investors. This is good news.

I took an hour today and considered Parmasters vis-à-vis the Blue Ocean Strategy concepts. We definitely compete on several factors that other indoor centers do not pay attention to. And we definitely do not spend resources on at least two factors that other indoor centers definitely do focus on. I need to put more work into this, and want to discuss with some trusted advisors, but it definitely bodes well!

I also found some time today to do a little consulting with a local tech company called Principal Online Solutions. They’re not really a start-up, since they’ve been around for a few years. But they’re product has really been in beta for that time, and is only now ready for “primetime.” I’m helping them with some advice on commercialization, first sales, and marketing, as well as some introductions to candidates for the role of sales leader/VP.

I’m presenting to a small group of potential investors on Wednesday. I wonder how many are reading. This is my first “presentation” to investors. All previous discussions have been one on one. So, most of this evening was spent in preparation. I’ve opted for a simple white-board-and-markers approach, rather than PowerPoint. This was suggested by the host for the event, and it makes sense to me. To a large extent, when the group does invest, they’ll be investing in me. It’s all about my ability to execute. So, perhaps it’s best that they see more of me, and less of a polished PowerPoint presentation.

Well, time to do some reading. Tomorrow starts with a breakfast meeting, then a lawyer meeting. There’s a joke in there somewhere, but I’ll pass …

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