Thursday, October 26, 2006

Self-confessed "Unbalanced Force"

Momentum can be so critical. As Newton’s first law of motion states,

“An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

Regarding our efforts to capitalize Parmasters Waterloo Region, Newton’s law of inertia has definitely been in full view.

For the first couple of months, it seemed the effort was “an object at rest.” That was not really the case, of course, since during that period we spoke to many potential/future investors. We also identified other potential investors that were not interested, for a variety of reasons, predominantly very personal and financial in nature. This is wonderful since it helps us focus our efforts.

But the fact remains, for the first couple of months we did not “close” any investment deals.

But now, after significant effort, we have closed our first few deals. We are gaining momentum. This is fantastic news, especially as we work to prepare offers to lease space.

So, due to the efforts of myself and those that support me, the object is no longer “at rest.” And we are absolutely focused on ensuring that “an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”

But if one reads the above characterization of Newton’s first law carefully, all of this leads to one ultimate conclusion. That is, of course, that I am an “unbalanced force.”

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