Monday, January 04, 2010

My One New Year’s Resolution

Many of you established “resolutions” in the last few days. Many people choose New Year’s Eve as a time to establish new goals, to “resolve” to accomplish some achievement, or to accomplish some change in habit, or in their body image, etc. And I wish you all, all the very best with your resolutions.

I prefer to speak of and focus on my “intentions” and I try to do so roughly 365 days each year. I may establish new intentions, or refine old ones, pretty much any day of the year. And thus, for me, New Year’s Eve tends to come and go without much fanfare, at least in the resolution-setting department.

And so, this year perhaps is a little different. Because this year, I established one New Year’s Resolution: Before 2010 ends, Parmasters KW will be built, open and serving thousands of happy members and others each and every month.

The challenges faced on this day, January 4, 2010, are quite the same as those faced one week ago, on December 27, 2009. Regardless, before we ring in 2011, Parmasters KW will be a reality.

This, I resolve.

Make it a great day! For yes, you do have the power to do so!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all! Let’s make 2010 an incredible year!

You can find the original photo here.

Make it a great day! For yes, you do have the power to do so!