Monday, March 05, 2007

Straight Down The Target Line

This is an interactive blog post. I hope you feel like getting up out of your chair and trying something, especially if you’re a golfer!

I’m going to show you one small example of how we can guarantee results.

At Parmasters our focus is golf game improvement. If you join us for a series of lessons, you will play much better golf. WE GUARANTEE IT! Yes, that’s right. If your game does not improve by at least 25% – that is a 25% reduction in your handicap, or the difference between your average score and par – you get your money back. Period.

How can we do that? We’re the only company in the entire industry that guarantees results from golf lessons. NO ONE ELSE DOES THIS. So how can we?

Because we teach a simplified golf swing that is based on anatomical certainties – that are the same for all of us – rather than teaching the traditional, complicated golf swing that relies upon athletic ability, timing and coordination. We call our method Straight-Line Golf ™.

That said, the golf swing we teach looks very traditional, so you will not feel self-conscious on the course. (Besides, when you’re always in the fairway, who cares what others think!)

So, I said I would show you one small example. Let’s start with the traditional golf swing. First, stand up and get into your golf stance/posture. Feet shoulder width apart. Knees slightly bent. Bend at the hips to tilt the upper body slightly forward. AND, shoulders back and head up. This is the traditional golf swing stance or address position.

Now, swing your left arm left to right, keeping it straight, as you would during a golf swing. No need to go all the way up into a backswing, or all the way through to a finish. Just keep your lower body still and gently swing your arm so that your hand travels roughly elbow height to elbow height on each side.

You will notice that your left hand is traveling in an arc around your body. Traditional golf swing.

Now, let’s try the Straight-Line Golf ™ method. Get back into the same golf stance. Head up. But this time, don’t keep your shoulders back. In fact, lift your left arm and move it to the right, across your body, such that your triceps (the muscles on the back of the upper arm) sit on top of or in front of (and touching) your chest. Rest your upper left arm, your triceps, on your chest.

Now, swing your left arm elbow height to elbow height. It may feel a little awkward at the start.

If I’ve described this effectively – and it’s much easier to do in person – then your left hand is no longer traveling in an arc. Instead, your left hand is now traveling straight down the target line.

Just think about that. What if all of your movement in your golf swing traveled straight down the target line, directly towards your chosen target?

We’ll be open later this year …

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