Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Coming To The Web

I’ve dedicated a lot of time over the past days to our center-level web pages. Our website, for Parmasters Waterloo Region, will live within the larger Parmasters Golf Training Centers website. Our center-level web pages are those pages within the site that focus on Waterloo Region.

We’re also starting conversations with leasing companies, for the equipment, and banks, regarding debt capital. In both cases, initial conversations have been very positive.

As I worked on the web pages, I was reminded of this quote. I’m not sure I would be “ruthless,” but the point is well made.

“If you lose dollars for the firm by bad decisions, I will be very understanding. If you lose reputation for the firm, I will be ruthless.” -Warren Buffet

I’m also reminded of an oft heard mantra from a friend and colleague, Jim Estill. “Fail often, fail fast, fail cheap.” By this Jim means experiment often, push the envelope, but do it quickly and economically.

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