Saturday, March 24, 2007

Exceptional Customer Service

Customer service will make or break our business. As I’ve mentioned earlier, we’re building and operating Disneyland. Our business is all about highly effective marketing, to bring patrons in the door, and then incredible service, to keep them coming back. Pretty simple stuff really.

The topic of superb customer service came to my attention at least three times this week. Once during a board room discussion, and twice while interacting with “service” providers.

I went to a local sub shop and placed my order. It was just a tiny little counter in a small food court. There were three “staff” on duty, and they were having a lot of fun … while largely ignoring the customers, including me. They were throwing things, laughing loudly, trading inside jokes, using slang, etc.

Last night, I was at a local home renovation show. Basically two arena ice pads full of booths, with companies selling everything from mortgage solutions to gardening designs. I stopped at one booth and picked up a pamphlet. I stood there for close to a minute reviewing the pamphlet, before replacing it in the rack and moving on. There were two gentlemen “staffing” the booth, but neither approached me. They were both too busy talking to and laughing with a young, attractive woman that was “staffing” the next booth.

Lastly, earlier this week I was discussing parking at a particular site with my regional franchisor. In particular, we were discussing staff parking, and the need to ensure patrons had sufficient parking close to our entrance. I noted, and he agreed, that if we hired the right staff, we wouldn’t have to ask them to park in the far reaches of the lot (thus ensuring that patrons have access to the parking closer to our entrance). We wouldn’t have to ask them, because they’d already know, and they’d do so voluntarily.

When we receive exceptional customer service, we notice. Why? Because it’s very rare. At Parmasters Waterloo Region, we will deliver, on a daily basis, exceptional customer service. And our patrons will notice, and return.

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