Saturday, March 03, 2007

Astounding Individual

From Oxford:
Rainmaker – 2. N. Amer. slang a person who is highly successful esp. in business.

I was surprised by the definition. I’ve always thought of a rainmaker as someone that has a pronounced, very positive impact. Someone that gets the right things done.

I spent some time Friday with such a person. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be named with such praise being heaped upon him, but JP is truly a rainmaker, and not just vis-à-vis “business.”

We have a family friend that is struggling. I won’t go into the details. Let’s just say the difficulties run the gamut of the kinds of problems a family can face. She’s facing them all, together, right now.

We want to help. We’ve tried to help. We have helped. But there’s so much more help needed. We couldn’t organize our thoughts. So we asked the rainmaker for help. It’s not what he does. It’s not his business. But if he can make rain …

JP jumped right in. We started mind-mapping. Brainstorming. He made several calls. We very quickly came up with ideas that may be helpful on many aspects of the challenges that our family friend faces. I received emails, and voice mails after our meeting.

JP doesn’t know our family friend. All of the people that JP has enlisted to help don’t know our family friend. This is simply humanity in action. The Secret in action.

Of course, our friend may not embrace all of the help that will be offered. That’s up to her. Time will tell. The goal is not to meddle. The goal is simply to do all we can to help. The rest is up to her.

Have you made any rain lately?

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