Thursday, March 22, 2007


I’d like to share lots of details on what’s happening lately with Parmasters Waterloo Region, but they’re mostly very confidential. We’re in a bit of a quiet period.

Unfortunately, I’m fighting a cold through this “quiet period.” It’s a head cold. Very congested. I find it can affect my concentration, and energy level.

I started the day, as I start pretty much every day, with my bowl of cereal and the newspaper. I was saddened to read that John Keating, CEO of Com Dev, had suffered a health setback. I’ve blogged about some of his words recently.

I also spent sometime with an old friend who recently became a grandpa for the first time. Exciting times.

The bulk of the rest of the day was spent on all that stuff that I’m supposed to be quiet about.

Scheduled to work out tomorrow morning. The cold began on the weekend, and I’ve made it through two solid workouts thus far this week. Not sure I’ll run on the weekend. That tends to really aggravate my colds.

When we emerge from this “quiet period,” we’ll have news, and we will have turned a significant corner. Or perhaps I should say we will have hit a significant milestone. Either way, my day-to-day activities will change dramatically. Looking forward to the progress!

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