Monday, March 19, 2007

Blog, Blog, Blog

I didn’t blog over the weekend. There were two reasons really. First …

Let me interject. I tend to do that a lot. No, I’m not referring to the interjecting, I’m referring to the “First” noted above. I tend to list and number my statements in my writing, frequently. I’ve noticed this before, and even discussed it with a friend. I’m not sure if it’s my detail orientation, my mathematics degree (although not likely since it is a degree in mathematics, not arithmetic, or counting), or perhaps simply my way of writing as clearly and concisely as possible. I wonder what my Grade 9 English Grammar teacher would say about this….

Now, where was I? Yes, the reasons I did not blog over the weekend. First, I was very busy, and second, I’m in a bit of a blogging funk right now.

Saturday went pretty much as planned. I attended a coach’s clinic starting at 7:30am, and then we drove to Cobourg to attend a funeral at 3:00pm. From there we looped back to Whitby for supper with my parents. We were home just before 10:00pm.

I worked most of Sunday. I did break for a bit of lunch, and did spend half an hour with Val Kalnins of Parmasters Northern Ontario. And I didn’t work much after 4:00pm as my eldest son had a late afternoon hockey game. By the end of the day, I had little energy for another blog post.

Which brings me to my second reason (there I go with the numbering again), my blog funk. I believe this is primarily related to current activities within our business. We’re in the middle of negotiating a lease. This is occupying a significant portion of each day (it’s a rather important, long term decision) and I can’t really share much on that process. We’re also initiating some marketing activities and I also, of course, continue to raise equity capital.

I suspect, once the lease is signed, and we move into the next phase of building the business, my blog funk will quickly dissipate.

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