Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Things That Matter Most

Most of today was spent speaking to prospective investors. Some prefer email, and so that is what I use. But, for the most part, it involves actual conversations. The personal touch. As noted in a previous post, my investor team is investing in me.

They don’t only need to know about the business, the challenges, how we will face them, my plan for success, and the thousand other questions and topics that come up. They need to hear these things from me, directly. I understand that. I’d be the same way.

Tuesday evenings are generally reserved for my wife and I to talk about anything that needs talking about. It’s not that we don’t communicate during the rest of the week. We’ve just found it helpful to set time aside.

It’s easy to work on the business all the time. Some say the “squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Others talk about the four quadrants of Important versus Urgent matters.

Important and Urgent - Do Now!
Important and Not Urgent - Schedule These!
Not Important and Urgent - Busy Work - Eliminate!
Not Important and Not Urgent - Time Waster - Eliminate!

Communicating within a family is clearly Important, but rarely Urgent. Hence, I find it best to ensure time is set aside, in my schedule, every week.

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. -Goethe

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