Monday, November 20, 2006

Tackling Those Dreaded Tasks

This past weekend was very productive, in many ways. My wife and I dined out at a quaint little restaurant in the south end of Kitchener on Friday evening. I worked most of Saturday and Sunday but did take time out for family meals, my son’s hockey game and practice, etc.

The focus for the weekend was a lot of tasks that I had put off for a couple of weeks. There are just some tasks that seem really daunting, or complicated, or painful. These tasks were like that. Admittedly, I had procrastinated on a couple of them. Others only recently became a higher priority.

So not only did I simply get a large volume of work accomplished, but I also cleared my plate of some tasks that I was really dreading. This feels good.

I started the week, as I do most Mondays, with a great workout. Exercising leaves me energized to tackle the rest of the day.

The morning was spent working in my office, and the afternoon was full of meetings. This evening I’ve been catching up on some email and also working on some paperwork related to a volunteer position I fulfill within my church.

I’m intentionally transitioning the way I allocate my time. Right now I really have two primary tasks: capitalize the business by attracting and signing investors, and find a building/site for the business. While capitalization still takes a lot of time, I am reducing the time per week I spend on that activity, and increasing the time per week spent on finding a site.

I believe that once I find a site, the capitalization effort will proceed more quickly.

Early meetings tomorrow, and they continue for most of the day. Thus, early to bed tonight …

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