Thursday, November 23, 2006


We live in a world of abundance, a world of charity, a world of caring and helping. These themes came to my attention repeatedly today.

It started with a mid-morning Business and Education Partnership meeting held at the Accelerator Centre in Waterloo. The BEP operates a speakers’ bureau. The speakers are volunteers who go into local schools and speak to classes about jobs, careers and related topics. The meeting this morning was meant as a training refresher for some of us that have been involved since the beginning. The room was full. Great turn out. Volunteerism. Abundance.

We also read in our newspapers today that Canadians donated a record $7.9 billion to charities in 2005, representing a 14 percent increase over 2004. Charity. Abundance.

One of the gentlemen that I met with yesterday placed a call to a friend on my behalf. He then urged me to call this friend and seek his assistance with my ongoing efforts to capitalize Parmasters Waterloo Region. We all do favours. I placed the call and left a message with the friend. He’s never met me, and knew I was calling to ask a favour, and yet called back later the same day, today. Helping. Abundance.

And of course, I try to return these favours. A friend has developed a seemingly innovative and promising investment model for certain types of investment vehicles. I introduced him to two friends, including the gentleman noted in the paragraph above. I also made several other introductions/connections today.

The day ended – or more accurately – the last meeting of the day was Wilfrid Laurier University’s annual Economic Outlook, hosted at CIGI in Waterloo this evening. The turnout was very large and the speakers were quite informative.

The day will officially end after some reading later tonight.

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