Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Favours Returned Repeatedly

Today was another day spent predominantly in my “mobile office.” The meetings started shortly after 9:00am and continued throughout the day. Seven or eight in total.

My BlackBerry is a fantastic productivity tool, allowing me to keep up with the email flow even when I’m out on the road. Of course, I do not type/read when driving. But I must admit to a bit of reading at stop lights.

I had lunch with a gentleman that is loosely connected to The Utility Company. They offer an interesting service – basically IT solutions provided in a utility model as opposed to the current buy, break, fix model. We lunched to discuss how we might help each other. I can make some introductions for The Utility Company, and they can help me expand my network and thus help finance Parmasters Waterloo Region. Win-win.

What is truly interesting is that The Utility Company is a franchisor. They are selling franchises throughout Canada, and possibly elsewhere. There aren’t many technology or IT businesses that choose franchising as a growth model. It definitely seems to make sense in their case.

I also finally secured the services of a bookkeeper. This should help me remain organized and reduce my work volume.

I also met today with a good friend whose company offers special financing to dentists and doctors that want to build and occupy a commercial building (i.e. owner-occupied). This fellow can also help me grow my network. And I will help him grow his network amongst dentists and doctors. My wife is a dental hygienist.

We live in a world of abundance. There’s more than enough for all of us. The list of people helping me – in one way or another – with Parmasters Waterloo Region is very, very long. And thus, I continually look for opportunities to return the favour.

For now, time for some reading ...

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