Monday, February 12, 2007

Poor Blogging

I’ve been a poor blogger lately. (I had originally typed “bad blogger”, but I’ve always believed there are no bad people, and by extrapolation, no bad bloggers, merely misguided or misdirected people, and bloggers.) The last couple of days of our Franchise Owner Training were pretty intense. And once I was back home, well enough of the excuses.

Last Wednesday, I drove straight from the airport to a Greater Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce event. It was a “new member” event, so we all got a chance to provide a 30 second advertisement at the microphone. I had just barely walked in the door when the mic was placed in my hands. I must have said something right, as a few minutes later I had several promising new contacts approaching me.

It took a while to adjust to the time zone change. Not sure why. I saw some late nights late last week. This threw off my workout schedule. I had done quite well while in Vancouver with two runs along the water and two great sessions in the fitness centre. I was back on track this morning, back in my basement and a familiar routine.

We’re currently in lease negotiations. That’s occupying most of my focus. We’re also at our first quarter-end with external investors on board. We’re developing new systems to ensure all of the reporting and other activities are completed effectively and efficiently. So far, so good.

We’ve built a really solid team of investors so far. By that I mean that they’re all team players, positive in their focus and outlook, and they’ll all contribute in ways that no other group can. I look forward to working with them, and all others that join our team, over the coming years.

For now, it’s time for some reading and preparation for tomorrow.

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