Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I skipped my usual workout this morning … and shoveled snow instead. I certainly wasn’t alone.

It’s interesting. We live on a quiet street. We tend to see our neighbours frequently through the summer, and yet very infrequently through the winter. I guess we all hibernate.

But a snow storm tends to bring the community back together. We’re all out there, struggling against the elements to empty our driveways and thus freeze our gas-guzzling vehicles. Brief exchanges occur. Mostly jokes about the weather, the amount of snow, etc. But also inquiries about the family, the children, the job, etc.

A neighbour three doors down was stuck. She’s on her own with several young children. I had left a message telling her to not even attempt to leave her garage. The drift in front of it was some five feet tall. I looked up and there she was, high and dry, her van suspended on a large mound of snow.

The two neighbours (in the two homes) between her house and mine have not been getting along, but we all chipped in, setting aside differences, and eventually freed the moribund minivan.

Just in case you haven’t guessed, there’s really not much business within this post. Today was about community. Of course – ok, just a little business – if we do our jobs well, our Parmasters Golf Training Center will be about community also.

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