Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Abundance Versus Scarcity

I met with a competitor recently. We spoke for about an hour and a half, him enjoying a coffee and me some orange juice. He’s involved with another indoor golf experience in the area.

I use the term “competitor” loosely, because we each did a great deal of sharing and ultimately agreed to find ways to work together, for mutual benefit.

I have found that there are really two groups of people in business. There are those that approach life and business with a firm belief in abundance, and that there is more than enough stuff for everyone. And then there are those that operate in a belief of scarcity, and thus feel that they must horde and protect what they feel is currently or rightfully theirs.

I subscribe to the abundance theory, as does the gentleman with whom I met.

I’ve entered this business and purchased the Southern Ontario franchise rights for Parmasters because I believe there is massive demand for the services that we provide. I also believe there is massive demand for the services that other indoor golf experiences provide. We’re very different businesses offering dramatically different services.

So, it seems to me that there must be a way to partner with other indoor golf experiences such that we both benefit.

Now I’ll admit, the makeup of such a partnership is not immediately obvious. This will take some serious thinking. But I’ll also posit that it’s not as complicated, or as impossible, or insurmountable, as it may first seem.

If you begin with the unwavering belief that there is more than enough stuff in this world to satisfy the needs – and even desires – of all, then you start to see possibilities and opportunities where others see only challenges and problems.


Anonymous said...

Would that competitor happen to be Golf Without Limits or Waterloo Club 52? If it is the former, will your indoor video golf be similiar or very different?

S. H. Southern said...

I'd rather not name the company that I spoke to, out of respect and other reasons.

I am not certain which simulator supplier GWL is using, but yes, I imagine our "video golf" will be very similar. We'll be using the recognized industry leading technology. I assume GWL has purchased the same.

However, "video golf" as you put it, or simulator usage, is a very small part of what we will be offering, and thus a very small part of our business.