Wednesday, February 21, 2007

5 Promises to Keep

Vickie L. Milazzo, founder and president of the Vickie Milazzo Institute, uses the following promises to guide her every decision. The magic of the promises is that they are simple and can work for any entrepreneur.

1. I will live and work a passionate life. Listen to your heart; then build your enterprise based on that passionate desire. When you wake up every day to a business you love, you’ll do what it takes to succeed.

2. I will go for it or reject it outright. Don’t spend your life in a holding pattern. Do it or forget it. Make a plan, and be realistic. Do you have time? Can you afford it? If not, reject it and come up with an attainable goal.

3. I will take one action step each day toward my ultimate vision. Unfulfilled dreams make people miserable. Acting on those dreams makes people happy. By taking action every day, you develop the habit and discipline to make your dream a reality. Success is in the motion.

4. I commit to being a success student for life. Anyone can launch a new business. Growing a successful business, however, requires learning every day from every available resource, including books, classes and especially successful mentors.

5. I believe I can do anything. Believing is 90 percent of the win. Imagine your success with sensory detail. If you believe you’ll achieve your goal--no matter what the challenges, no matter what anyone else tells you--you will succeed.

This last point sounds very much like The Secret.

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