Monday, December 18, 2006

What Did You Do This Past Weekend?

Our local newspaper, the KW Record, has been running a series of ads lately that focus on “what did you do this past weekend?” The idea is, the paper keeps you informed and helps you do more. More life. (Actually, “more life” is a phrase oft used within Parmasters. That’s meant to be one of the many benefits to franchise owners. More life. But that’s another story …)

Anyway, “what did you do this past weekend?” I:
- purchased Christmas gifts for children that may not otherwise receive any and delivered them to a local charity
- cleaned up large stack of office paper work
- met with my regional franchisor (he handles Canada for Parmasters) regarding our search for a suitable location for Parmasters Waterloo Region
- watched my older son block lots of shots and help his team win their hockey game
- did some Christmas shopping for both of our sons
- had a nice meal with my loving wife at Marbles, a downtown Waterloo eatery
- watched the Toronto Maple Leafs dismantle the Rangers
- attended our church service
- talked to my parents
- read a few of my periodicals
- balanced the books for the Special Gifts Fund within our church (planned giving, life insurance, bequests, etc.)
- updated my profile at the Business and Education Partnership of Waterloo Region (BEP)
- received a speaking request as part of the speaker’s bureau at the BEP
- watched my son’s Sunday afternoon hockey practice
- reviewed my contact list for potential investors to an Ottawa-based software company and future success story
- booked a few meetings with potential/future investors
- and last but never least, played with my young boys

And today, we received some FANTASTIC news out of Parmasters Halifax. Matt Jeffrey and his team (of one other individual) are doing a great job, and along the way, proving the Parmasters concept truly resonates with current and future golfers. Matt (or Parmasters Halifax) now has over 500 members! He reached that lofty plateau this afternoon. He’s not even open yet. That’s not scheduled to happen until March 2007!

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