Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Better Days

I wasn't very productive today. I did ok, and bumped several initiatives along, but I could have done more, and feel bad about that. I tend to feel a sense of guilt and lost opportunity at the end of a so-so day. It's a day that I can't get back.

Clearly, at least at this point in my life, I place a lot of value on productivity and getting lots of "stuff" - that's a technical, entrepreneur term by the way - done. I say "clearly" because if I didn't value productivity, I wouldn't be lamenting a low productivity day.

I've always prided myself on my ability to do a lot, to handle a lot, to juggle many priorities, etc. But I also realize that there are lots of people who do so much more than me. Compared to some of these people, and I know one of them quite well, I look like I'm standing still! I don't know how they do all that they do!

And of course, we don't all value productivity. Life is about the journey, not simply the destination. Stop and smell the roses. Etc.

At any rate, I hope to sleep much better tonight, and be far more productive tomorrow. Because, at least for now, productivity is something I value greatly!

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