Saturday, June 02, 2007

Systems Must Evolve

I haven’t had much blog time lately. My reading has also fallen behind schedule.

I am definitely a systems thinker. Systems help me be more efficient and effective. One of my most trusted systems is simply a complete and oft referenced calendar. Anything that must be accomplished on a specific day or at a specific time is noted in my calendar. That includes blogging. But of course, just because an item is noted in the calendar does not mean I actually get to it.

I also use a tickler file. It’s a very basic system of file folders numbered 1 through 31 and others labeled January, February, … through to December. This system allows me to basically mail items to my attention at a later date. It’s all paper based. If a piece of paper comes to my desk and it requires attention at a future date, but not today, it goes into the tickler file on that date. I refer to it daily.

All systems require some level of dedication. If you don’t stick to the system, if you don’t work it, the benefit wanes.

I also took two entire days off earlier this week. I used the time to relax, clear my head and rejuvenate. Of course, as soon as one’s back into the swing of things, the rejuvenation can quickly seem a distant memory.

Things are zipping right along with Parmasters Kitchener-Waterloo. I’ll be blogging soon about our location. Shortly thereafter we’ll start marketing and selling memberships.

During that membership-drive period I will be running preview meetings for future members several evenings each week, and at least once each weekend. My systems will have to adjust to a new schedule.

For now, it’s back to work. I have several documents to produce in the coming days and plan to get a good start on them today.

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