Friday, October 09, 2009

Parmasters’s Virtual Conference a Wrap

We wrapped up our virtual Parmasters franchise owners conference yesterday afternoon. As always, the group embodies an abundance of enthusiasm, drive, determination and commitment, along with a great mix of expertise, experience and innovation, of course.

In one of the less complex sessions we spoke about time management and effectiveness. One colleague shared the term “switch-tasking.” He didn’t coin the term, and he noted where he’d heard it, but the origin escapes me at the moment. The premise behind this term is quite simply that for the most part, humans are not capable of “multi-tasking.”

(The term multi-tasking originated in the computing world, when computers eventually gained the power necessary to perform two or more minor computing functions at the same time.)

The originator of the term switch-tasking argues apparently that we humans rarely achieve true multi-tasking. Rather, we simply switch back and forth from one largely all-consuming task to another. We “switch.” We don’t truly “multi” (even though that’s not a verb).

Of course, examples were given whereby humans can truly multi-task, specifically if one/more of the tasks is so menial as to not require much mental attention and/or capacity.

Another colleague shared he following formula:

(K + S) x A = S

K = Knowledge
S = Skill
A = Action
And “S”, of course, equals Success.

I’ve seen this before, and sometimes it’s tweaked slightly. But the point remains powerful.

May you all increase your knowledge, your skill, or both, and then amplify that with lots of action. Be well!

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