Saturday, October 03, 2009

Attempted Review: Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth

I sit here on this gorgeous fall Saturday in rather a conundrum. You see, I typically dedicate approximately 30 minutes, at most, to each blog entry. That time includes spell checking, including any relevant links, posting, etc. It’s more than just writing time.

Earlier this week I finished reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. So it’s now time to post a brief review of Tolle’s latest offering. Therein lays my conundrum.

I’m not certain it’s possible, within the confines of a blog entry, even if I toss my 30 minute allotment to the wind, to do justice to this tome. And so, how do I convey a few thoughts on this work? Will a “few thoughts” do this book justice? No! Do I possess the literary skills to review this book in any way? I’m not sure.

I’ve leafed through the book again, searching in vain for a few excerpts to which I could point and say there, that’s what A New Earth is all about, and that’s why you should read it. For indeed, you should read it! My search came up dry. There are no such excerpts that possibly even aspire to capture the essence of Tolle’s message. Every word, on every page, is important.

But, enough of my procrastination.

A New Earth will either resonate with you, or it won’t. You’ll either be lost in the first chapter or two, or you’ll get it. And there’s nothing wrong with the former, nor anything particularly inspired in the latter. Put simply, you’ll either find yourself ready for this message, or you won’t.

As may now be rather obvious, I do highly, strongly recommend A New Earth. However, I also recommend that you read The Power of Now first. I believe the reading of A New Earth comes through in a much deeper, more meaningful way if building from the foundations of The Power of Now.

In A New Earth, Tolle expands upon his Power of Now message, taking the reader into a much deeper understanding of the awakened state that he believes is possible for all. Tolle delves into wonderful anecdotes to weave his message into everyday circumstance to which the reader can relate.

As the title may suggest, A New Earth also explores the macrocosm of what may be should enlightenment and consciousness spread throughout mankind. While The Power of Now focused on the individual, the microcosm if you will, A New Earth ventures into the realm of society, our species, and indeed this entire, incredible universe.

So here’s the thing. Read the book! If you find yourself lost, put it down for a while, perhaps a year or more. Then go back to it. Repeat until you no longer find yourself lost, until Tolle’s message resonates with you. Thenceforth, enjoy an awakened life!

Now I shall fire off an email to Tolle urging him to tailor his messages to the great game of golf. I suspect the impact on our enjoyment, and our overall average handicap, would be nothing short of startling.

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