Monday, February 02, 2009

Six (or Seven) More Weeks of Winter

Trivia: “When did golf begin in St. Andrews, Scotland?” Answer below.

Apparently several furry subterranean dwellers spotted their respective shadows this morning. I was fully aware of the American rodent, and of course our own Wiarton Willie. But I was not in the know, until this morning, that there is a third prognosticator living, and burrowing perhaps, somewhere in our Canadian Maritimes. I’m glad to have learned something new today!

The shadow spotting begets a prediction of six more weeks of winter. Of course, since we technically have SEVEN more weeks of winter remaining, we can’t be all that upset with the furry weather-persons.

I’m also told there was a bit of a football game on last night. My eldest wanted to watch it, and so we did, for the most part. I’m more of a CFL guy myself. I did enjoy Mr. Springsteen and his on-again, off-again partners, the E Street Band at halftime. Although it did seem that Bruce was a little out of breath for most of the performance.

I don’t have any meeting scheduled today. Just lots of work and some errands to run this morning. I’ll be working at our Temporary Event Center at Market Square this afternoon.

I found today’s trivia item to be both inspiring and humbling. We do operate within a truly GRAND OLD game. While we hope to make golf more accessible and enjoyable for the masses, it’s also clear that we’re merely a blip in the golfing ocean, both in terms of today’s huge industry, and in the historical context. But, as always, we strive to do what we can, each and every day, doing all that we can in a successful and professional manner. Which reminds me, that I should get back to that...

And the answer: “The earliest surviving reference to the game is in Archbishop Hamilton’s Charter in 1552, which gave St. Andrews residents the right to play golf on the linksland.”

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