Monday, February 09, 2009

Busy Week Just Starting

Trivia: “When did Scotland form its Royal & Ancient (R&A) Golf Club’s Rules of Golf Committee? A) 1597 B) 1697 C) 1797 D) 1897” Answer below.

It’s another late night, unfortunately. It’s very late on Sunday evening as I write this, even though it won’t be posted until Monday morning. Well, I guess it’s technically very early on Monday morning as I write.

I mentioned Christopher Robson’s efforts related to the Nadia Gehl homicide. You can learn more on Facebook within the group titled “Gehl Homicide. KW residents lend your support!” Christopher is planning an event for this evening. I hope to attend but have several other commitments.

Sunday was fairly productive. I started with some writing and then segued to a decent workout and a reasonable, if short, run. I’ve been suffering with some right knee pain and my runs have been shorter of late. I have no idea what the problem is. After the run I worked a little more, primarily crafting a PowerPoint presentation to be delivered mid-next week, and then a few other odd jobs.

I took Sunday afternoon off, along with the evening of course, and just relaxed with my sons. For some reason they wanted to eat supper in the garage, so we did.

Later today we’ll issue another monthly update to Parmasters KW members, future members, shareholders and stakeholders. If you'd like to receive these brief email updates, please simply register here.

It’s going to be a busy week. So much work to do, it seems quite daunting a times. But then, as evidenced by my working at this bizarre hour, I’ve never been more energized or driven.

My eldest also plays hockey two evenings this week, before heading to London for a three-day hockey tournament. My youngest son will tag along as we travel from rink to restaurant to rink to restaurant to rink to ... Well, you get the idea. And Wednesday I have to be out of town. Hopefully that presentation will be ready. Add in a few workouts, household chores, possibly the Greater KW Chamber of Commerce Business After 5 event Tuesday evening, some writing, and I just may sleep a little better one week from now, on Sunday evening.

I’ll be working in the TEC today, Thursday and Friday, but not on Saturday. The expected hours are posted on the front door.

For now, time to get this week started!

And the answer: “D) 1897”

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