Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monthly News and Chamber BA5

Trivia: “Why was Willie Anderson’s win at the 1902 Western Open so significant?” Answer below.

We issued another update to Parmasters KW members and “future members” yesterday. These updates go out monthly. If you haven’t already done so, you can register here. Personally, I believe yesterday’s golf tip and golf-related joke were well worth the effort!

Yesterday was a full day, start to finish. Most of it was spent on the monthly update and also a presentation to be delivered later this week.

We also had a life changing event yesterday. It’s a private matter, for all involved, and thus I won’t get into any details. I will say though, that I believe at times like this it’s so very important to remember that “life changing” can mean “life enhancing.” One never knows!

I’ll be working at a local Williams Coffee Pub this morning, while the afternoon will be spent in some offsite meetings as well as back in the Temporary Event Center at Market Square later in the afternoon. I will also likely attend that Greater KW Chamber of Commerce Business After 5 event late this afternoon.

For now, I’ll get back at it, and leave you with some favoured quotes.

“Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.”
–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Lord, grant me the courage to change those things I can,
Grant me the patience to accept those things I cannot change,
And grant me the wisdom to know the difference.”

“If you focus on labeling people you make strangers of them. You never know the full half of their glass.”
-Robert L. McKnight (Northwestern U.)

And the answer: “Anderson, who scored 299, was the first to shoot under 300 in a 72-hole event in the United States.”

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