Monday, January 26, 2009

Stumble Upon Some Parmasters KW Website Updates

Trivia: “How many guidelines made up the first Rules of Golf?” Answer below.

It was a busy weekend, as most are. I worked most of Sunday morning, except for a brief run out in the frigid temperatures around my neighbourhood. Sunday afternoon and evening were spent with my two boys, watching movies mostly, doing our best to stay warm.

Saturday evening was rather eventful. Unfortunately, I was witness to a minor automobile collision here in Kitchener. Just a fender bender, but I was almost hit. I was walking at the time. I am to deliver a written statement to police sometime today.

Later on Saturday evening, while my eldest son’s hockey team lost, he did score the team’s only two goals. He’s having a great year, which is wonderful to see.

Today, another cold one, my youngest son is cross-country skiing with his classmates. Hopefully they all stay warm, without breaking into a sweat.

I posted several updates to the Parmasters KW website, predominantly on the main page, our news and media pages, and our advisory board listing.

I also stumbled upon It’s an interesting tool, and quite helpful, if one is looking to explore the Internet for a specific topic(s).

Well, back at it. This golf training center won’t build itself!

And the answer: “There were 13 rules, many of which are now incorporated into the modern Rules of Golf. The original rules were written for the Edinburgh Silver Club in 1744.”

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