Saturday, January 17, 2009

Monthly Update to “Future Members”

Trivia: “Your ball lands near a tree on the edge of the green, so you bend back the branches in order to get a better shot. What rule have you broken?” Answer below.

I’m writing this entry in my home office, but will likely wait and post it shortly hereafter, when I get to my office at our Temporary Event Center (TEC) at Market Square.

I worked too late again last night, but also squeezed in a good workout and some relaxing time. It will likely be an earlier night tonight. My eldest son plays hockey this evening, but it’s an early game. I’ll do a little writing after the game, then relax and hit the hay, as they say.

My youngest is battling a sore lower leg. I’m not sure what the problem might be. He had x-rays taken yesterday, but apparently it will take up to a week before his doctor receives the images. In the meantime, he’s to stay away from strenuous, active sports and activities. It’s unfortunate. He hurt himself downhill skiing last year, and has had a few of these periods where he has to sit on the sidelines and watch.

I’ll likely head to a Williams Coffee Pub to work this afternoon. I’ll be at the TEC this morning. I just find the change of location invigorating. We have so much to do!

Earlier this week we issued an email update to the many interested parties that have registered for said updates via the Parmasters KW website. We like to refer to them as “future members”, because we know they’ll see the incredible value we offer, eventually. Here’s a brief snippet from that update.

Hello Fellow Golfers,

Thank you all for your interest. We’re writing to provide the latest news from Parmasters Kitchener-Waterloo.

First, the topic you’re all most interested in. When will your golf training center open?

Quite frankly, we’ve been delayed by a few months. One of our largest investors – while remaining absolutely committed to your golf training center – has taken longer than expected to free up the capital required for the investment in our center. While we’re frustrated by the delay, we are also excited and pleased that all of our investors and stakeholders are working tirelessly to ensure your center opens as soon as possible. At this point, a summer 2009 opening seems most likely.

In the meantime, we are committed to communicating as best we can with all local golfers. To this end, these email updates will now be issued monthly.

We are also adjusting our schedules to ensure we are in the Market Square Temporary Event Center as often and regularly as possible. You’ll find an up-to-date office hour listing on the front door. Generally speaking, for now, you’ll find the Temporary Event Center open most Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the day. However, even the latest schedule is subject to changes, as required for offsite meetings.

Our blog – available at – will be updated several times each week.

The Parmasters Kitchener-Waterloo website – – will also be updated regularly.

While our Temporary Event Center remains quite rough around the edges, we have made a few changes to make the space work more effectively. Feel free to stop by and see us at anytime.

Lastly, we have temporarily suspended our Membership Preview Events. We simply require the time and resources to focus on other activities, primarily related to actually building your golf training center. Preview Events will resume shortly and you will be advised when that occurs.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to urge your fellow golfers to visit us via the Parmasters Kitchener-Waterloo website or at our Temporary Event Center in Market Square. All interested golfers should register for regular email updates.

And the answer: “Rule 13-2, which states that you cannot bend or break anything fixed or growing that will improve your lie, stance, or area of intended swing”

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