Saturday, July 28, 2007

Let Go Of The Frustration

I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to quote Andrew Winston, our Vice President of Franchise Training. I had lamented to him about my many technology issues of late. Here’s part of his reply.

“When I golf and hit the ball into the forest, I have an undying belief that the trees will kick the ball back out onto the fairway. ‘Trees are our friends’ is what I yell and it works. I guess what I'm saying is that your attitude will dictate your results. I know it's difficult when each step you take is a hassle. But let go of the frustration when you're dealing with the minutiae and it won't mean so much on the negative side.”

He’s right, of course.

I’ve had a lot of minutiae pile up over the last couple of weeks. I generally deal with most of the real non-value-added stuff on my weekends, but my weekends of late have been busy, or I’ve taken time to relax (like last weekend). So some of the real boring stuff piled up.

My plan for this weekend is to rip through all of that as quickly as possible. I got organized last night and figured out what had to be done. I like to start with the worst/least-enjoyable tasks and work my way through to the more pleasant tasks.

Also did some yard work last night. My eldest son cuts our grass, but there are other tasks that he’s not quite ready to tackle.

I started this morning with a great workout and then dove right into my to-do list. I’m at least three quarters of the way through the list and have only a few of the more pleasant tasks left.

I hope to complete most of them today and then set tomorrow aside for some RnR.

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