Monday, July 20, 2009

Straight-Line Golf (TM) Coaching

It was another busy weekend, of course, as most are of late.

Saturday was spent focused on Parmasters KW progress, with good strides made on the capital side of things. We’re making strong progress in all aspects of the business, but capital is definitely where we spend the majority of our time. Our investor team continues to grow, both in size and expertise, which is wonderful.

Sunday I focused on my boys as we did a few chores around the house and then made time for play as well. They cut the grass, we cleaned out the truck, did some dishes and laundry, tossed the football around for quite a while, watched a movie and, in the afternoon, I took them out to the range and provided some Straight-Line Golf (TM) coaching.

At Parmasters we teach a simplified, streamlined and easier-on-the-back and body swing system, that we call Straight-Line Golf. I’ve blogged about this a few times, including here and here.

With my youngest we focused on grip and backswing. The grip is so fundamental; I described it to him like the foundation of a house. A correct grip brings with it the possibilities of a solid swing and golf shot, whereas an incorrect grip makes a solid swing and golf shot far less likely. His backswing was behind him, and thus very flat, as opposed to predominantly out in front of his body, and more vertical. He made great progress.

As for my older lad, his grip was solid, backswing, etc. His only real issue was a twisting action. Traditional golf involves a coiling of the body during backswing and an uncoiling during the actual stroke. Straight-Line Golf – and hence the name – involves far more of a slight lateral movement down the line, STRAIGHT down the line, as opposed to twisting and untwisting. He also made great progress.

This morning it’s back to work on capital predominantly. And I’ll get back at it.

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