Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Right Tasks, Completed Effectively and Correctly

Trivia: “Who is considered the world’s first professional golfer? A) “Old” Tom Morris B) Willie Park Sr. C) Allan Robertson D) Andrew Strath” Answer below.

I’ve been working lately on many different projects, almost all related to coming grand opening of Parmasters KW. In talking to a close friend last night, I started to wonder, as I often do, whether I’m working on the correct priorities.

It’s quite healthy and natural, as an entrepreneur, to regularly consider these things.

Some people say managing is making sure all tasks are completed effectively and correctly. While leading is ensuring that the right (i.e. highest priority, highest leverage, etc.) tasks are being worked on. As an entrepreneur in such a small organization, I’m clearly both manager and leader.

(And also maintenance person, IT specialist, marketer, window cleaner, .... But that’s another story.)

This same friend is contemplating her next career move. She may have to decide whether she wishes to be a manager or a leader.

Getting back to my current projects and priorities, I will dedicate sometime over the next few days to once again revisit all priorities, strategic plans, etc., and ensure the right tasks are being worked on.

For now, I must get back to work on my current task, ensuring, as a manager would, that it is completed effectively and correctly by day’s end.

And the answer: “C) Allan Robertson. Robertson, who was the first to score below 80 on the Old Course in Scotland, was also considered the premier ball- and club-maker of the mid-19th century.”

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