Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Football, Music, Hockey and Investors

I haven’t blogged since Friday, largely because it’s been a busy time.

Last night I was up at RIM Park again, attending the WSM clinic with my oldest son. We were only there for a short while as he’s now fully recovered from his torn oblique. This wasn’t any great surprise as he took on the nose guard position in his team’s last regular season football game last Thursday evening.

He finished the game with a punt block, a fumble recovery, several scrimmage line tackles or part tackles, and another nice tackle on his team’s 4-yard line, to prevent a TD. He’s also back playing hockey, helping his line pot two of the team’s four goals last night in their 4-2 win.

My youngest has been recovering from a nasty cold. He was away from school part of last week, and none to spry even over the weekend. He is back to school this week, thankfully. Yesterday he netted a 4- (I believe that’s like an A-) on his musical recital. He plays the trombone, and is really enjoying it. The music teacher at his school does an incredible job with all of the students, including those that show very little interest in music until they meet her!

My youngest also nailed a French test, missing just one question. Although he wasn’t very pleased about that.

If I sound rather like a proud father, it’s because I AM! I know I’m blessed.

The bulk of today will be spent in meetings, just as was the case yesterday. I’ll be viewing some interesting new website software shortly.

We continue to work night and day to track down the ideal investors for Parmasters Kitchener-Waterloo. Hence the volume of meetings. We’re making progress, and we know where we’re going.

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