Tuesday, June 24, 2008


We continue to set up our temporary Market Square Event Center. Late yesterday we created a meeting space with tables, an LCD panel, etc. Today we must acquire some chairs and other necessities.

I spoke briefly to a friend yesterday about life-work balance. He’s a hard worker and very dedicated, to his work. I’m sure he’s very dedicated to other aspects of life also, but I’ve only really known him as a colleague, connected through business functions.

Of course, as I urged him to maintain some focus on life-work balance, I knew that I was asking him to do as I say, not as I do. I’m currently in a period of great imbalance, working hours that are far too long, and not spending enough time recharging my batteries, so to speak.

Such periods of imbalance are, by their very nature, temporary. These periods may last days, weeks, months or even years, but they’re always temporary. We simply cannot keep going in a perpetual state of imbalance. Eventually our bodies and minds tell us that enough is enough, and we’re forced to re-assess, to re-balance. Thus, these periods of imbalance are always temporary.

And I realize that this period of imbalance for me is also temporary. There’s a lot going on right now, both personally and with Parmasters KW. It’s crunch time, as they say. And when crunch time ends, balance will be less elusive.

And yes, before I close, I do realize there are those that will disagree with the concept of being out of balance at all, even for short periods. Work-oholism is a real issue. But it’s not an issue I deal with. Given the choice between doing what I want (having fun) and working, I will always choose fun.

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