Thursday, October 11, 2007

Golf in Verse

I found these to be quite enjoyable. Hopefully you will as well. I found them at

I've tried all the tips and received much instruction.
It didn't help at all so I used deduction.
I figured it out, the thing my game lacks.
I'll never be a pro cause I can't stand the slacks.
- John Prince

Some golfers blast their ball from traps
With one adroit explosion,
But others, out in ten perhaps,
Depend upon erosion.
- Richard Armour, Golf is a Four-Letter Word (1962)

Some golfers lie awake at night
And brood on what went wrong;
I'd rather think of what went right.
It doesn't take as long.
- Dick Emmons

When hitting wedge shots, I've a flair
That's turning my hair gray;
They stop, I swear, right next to where
The pin was...yesterday.
- Dick Emmons

I sank a long and curling putt,
It's like I've seldom seen;
It would have helped my scoring but,
'Twas on the practice green.
-Richard Armour, Golf is a Four-Letter Word

If only I kept my eye on the ball,
Looking downward as does the pro there,
I might not see where it was going, at all,
But there might be a chance it would go there.
- Richard Armour, Golf is a Four-Letter Word

And thus, with self-deception bland,
We mourn the fours that should have been,
Forgetting, on the other hand,
The luck that helped us through the green;
Calmly accepting as our due
The four-hole which we fluked in two.
- Thomas Risk, The Lyric of the Links

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